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Can I Take a Baby Stroller into PNC Park?

Yes, baby strollers are allowed inside pnc park. Parents who plan on attending a baseball game with their young children often have questions about what items are permitted inside the ballpark.

One common concern is whether baby strollers are allowed. Fortunately, pnc park allows strollers as long as they are collapsible and can fit under the seats. Parents should also keep in mind that strollers cannot block any aisles or obstruct the view of other fans. In addition to strollers, the ballpark permits diaper bags, backpacks, and other small bags. However, larger bags or backpacks that exceed the size requirements may need to be stored at a baggage check near the entrances. Overall, parents should feel comfortable bringing their young children to pnc park and can make use of the various amenities available to accommodate their needs.

Can I Take a Baby Stroller into PNC Park?


Pnc Park’S Stroller Policy


Pnc park is one of the most family-friendly ballparks in the country. With a wide range of amenities, such as a children’s play area, nursing rooms, and kid-friendly concession stands, it’s no wonder so many families choose to bring their little ones to the ballpark. However, many parents who want to bring their strollers may wonder about the park’s stroller policy. In this article, we will be discussing pnc park’s stroller policy, including size limitations, storage options, and exceptions and accommodations.

Details Of Pnc Park’S Stroller Policy

Pnc park permits strollers as long as they comply with the park’s policy.

  • Strollers must be folded before entering the seating area.
  • Guests bringing strollers should enter the ballpark through the gate a entry point as it has the most convenient access to the elevators.
  • Non-collapsible strollers are not allowed inside the ballpark.
  • Children who remain in their strollers during the game must remain in the designated wheelchair area and may not sit in the regular seating area.

Size Limitations

Pnc park does not limit the size of the strollers that guests can bring. However, the park staff may ask guests to park their strollers outside the seating area if they obstruct aisles or passageways. Guests are encouraged to call the fan services hotline to confirm the acceptability of their strollers before arriving at the park.

Storage Options

Pnc park offers stroller storage areas for those guests who do not want to bring their strollers into the seating area. The storage area, located near the wheelchair drop off area, is free of charge and accessible during the game. Guests are to bring their locks to ensure their stroller’s security while stored.

Exceptions And Accommodations

Pnc park offers several exceptions and accommodations to ensure guests have a comfortable experience.

  • Guests with disabilities may bring non-collapsible strollers or wheelchairs to the ballpark.
  • Families with autistic children may request a sensory-friendly seating area in the club level.
  • Guests with large strollers or other baby equipment that cannot be accommodated due to size or quantity restrictions may rent wheelchairs at the guest services office.

Pnc park has a clear and straightforward stroller policy that prioritizes guests’ safety and comfort. Parents and guardians can bring strollers to pnc park as long as they adhere to the guidelines. With various accommodations offered, pnc park is an excellent option for families looking to enjoy a pittsburgh pirates game with their little ones.

Tips For Bringing A Stroller To Pnc Park

Are you planning to visit pnc park with your baby? If yes, then you might be wondering whether you should bring along your baby stroller. As a parent, it’s common to think about the comfort of your little one, so a stroller can come in handy.

Best Types Of Strollers For Navigating Pnc Park

When it comes to strollers, you want to ensure that you choose the right one.

  • Lightweight strollers: these strollers are easy to maneuver and carry around. They are perfect for parents who want to walk with their babies around the park.
  • Compact strollers: these strollers are designed to be lightweight and are easy to fold. They are ideal for parents who are short on storage space and need a stroller that can fit in the trunk of a car.
  • All-terrain strollers: these strollers are built for rough terrains. They have large wheels and can handle bumps and uneven surfaces.

Helpful Accessories For Stroller Use

Here are some helpful accessories that you might need to use with your stroller at pnc park:

  • Sunshade: this accessory will protect your baby from the sun’s harmful uv rays.
  • Rain cover: if you are visiting the park on a rainy day, then a rain cover will keep your baby dry and protected.
  • Cup holder: keep yourself hydrated and have a place to put drinks with a cup holder.
  • Diaper bag hook: having a diaper bag hook attached to the stroller can save you a lot of hassle.

Recommended Areas For Stroller Parking

It’s important to note that some seating areas may require you to park your stroller elsewhere, so it’s always good to ask.

  • At the top of the sections: at the top of the sections, there are designated stroller parking areas. This is a convenient location because it allows you to walk around the park without your stroller.
  • Guest relations: guest relations also has a stroller parking area. This location is convenient if you need to access your stroller frequently.
  • Left field gate: if you are sitting in the left field area, there is a designated stroller parking area at the left field gate.

Bringing a stroller to pnc park can provide a convenient and comfortable experience for you and your baby. Just ensure that you have the right stroller and accessories, and know where to park it for a seamless park visit.

Preparing Your Baby For The Game

Going to a baseball game at pnc park with a baby can be a daunting task. However, by following a few simple tips and tricks, you can make the experience fun and enjoyable for both you and your little one. In this post, we’ll help you prepare for the game and share suggestions for infant and toddler care inside pnc park, ways to keep your baby engaged during the game, and recommended items to bring for your baby.

Suggestions For Infant And Toddler Care Inside Pnc Park

Taking care of an infant or toddler while at pnc park requires planning.

  • Visit the nursing room: pnc park has a nursing room located near section 119. The space provides ample seating, changing tables, and a private area for nursing.
  • Bring a stroller: the park allows strollers into the stadium, but they must be collapsible and fit under your seat. Strollers provide a comfortable and secure space for babies and toddlers.
  • Use ear protection: the sounds inside pnc park can be quite loud, and may be uncomfortable for a baby’s sensitive ears. Consider bringing ear protection for your little one, such as noise-canceling headphones or earplugs.
  • Dress appropriately: the weather in pittsburgh can be unpredictable, so dress your baby in comfortable layers and bring a hat and sunscreen for sunny days. Don’t forget to pack extra clothes in case of spills or accidents.

Ways To Keep Your Baby Engaged During The Game

Babies and toddlers need constant stimulation, especially during a long baseball game.

  • Bring toys and books: pack a few of your baby’s favorite toys, books, or a teething ring to keep them busy. You can also bring something new to keep their attention for longer.
  • Play games: play peek-a-boo or sing nursery rhymes to capture your baby’s attention.
  • Take frequent walks: taking your baby for a walk around pnc park can provide a change of scenery and some fresh air, and can also soothe a fussy baby.

Recommended Items To Bring For Your Baby

To ensure a worry-free experience at pnc park with your baby, it’s essential to pack all the necessary items.

  • Diapers and wipes: plan to bring enough diapers and wipes for the duration of the game, plus a few extra.
  • Blanket: a blanket can offer a secure space for a baby or toddler to rest.
  • Snacks and bottles: pack your baby’s favorite snacks and drinks to keep them well-fed and hydrated.
  • Extra clothes: pack an extra set of clothes in case of accidents or spills.
  • Hand sanitizer: good hygiene is essential, and this comes in handy when water and soap are not readily available.

By following these simple tips, parents can enjoy a baseball game at pnc park with their baby without worry or stress. Remember, preparation is key, and taking the time to plan ensures a comfortable and enjoyable experience for both you and your little one.

Alternatives To Bringing A Stroller To Pnc Park

Can you bring a stroller to pnc park? The answer is yes, but it can be quite inconvenient. You will have to navigate through crowds, steep inclines, and stairs. Instead, consider other modes of transportation that might be easier for families with young children. Here are some alternatives to bringing a stroller to pnc park.

Other Modes Of Transportation For Families With Young Children

Baby Carrier

A baby carrier is a great option for parents who want to keep their hands free while carrying their baby. Using a baby carrier allows you to move around the park more easily without having to worry about pushing a stroller.


  • Keeps your baby close and safe
  • Leaves your hands free to carry other things
  • Can navigate stairs and inclines with ease


  • Can be uncomfortable for extended periods
  • Not suitable for babies who cannot hold their heads up yet
  • May not provide enough support for babies with certain medical conditions


Another option for families with young children is a wagon. A wagon allows you to transport your children and their supplies in a more comfortable manner than a stroller.


  • More comfortable than a stroller
  • Can carry more supplies than a stroller
  • Can be easier to navigate through crowds than a stroller


  • Not suitable for babies who cannot sit up yet
  • Can be difficult to navigate through tight spaces
  • Can be challenging to transport up inclines or stairs

Rent A Locker

If you don’t want to carry your child’s supplies around the park all day, consider renting a locker. Renting a locker will give you a secure place to store your belongings, so you don’t have to carry them around all day.


  • Gives you a secure place to store your belongings
  • Allows you to move around the park more easily
  • Saves you from carrying heavy bags all day


  • Can be expensive
  • You may have to walk back to the locker every time you need something
  • Out of stock during peak events

No matter which option you choose, remember to plan ahead and make arrangements that suit you and your family’s requirements. By choosing the right mode of transportation, you’ll be able to enjoy your time at pnc park without compromising on your child’s safety or comfort.



Taking a baby stroller into pnc park can be a convenient way to enjoy a game with your little ones. However, it is important to note that there are limitations and restrictions on the type and size of strollers allowed. Before heading to the park, it’s always a good idea to check the official policies to avoid any issues at the gate. It’s also worth considering alternate options, such as using a carrier or renting a stroller at the park if your stroller is not permitted. Whatever your decision, the priority is to ensure the safety and comfort of your child and those around you. So, plan ahead, be aware of the guidelines, and enjoy your day at pnc park with your family. Let the sights and sounds of the game create lasting memories that you and your kids will cherish for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Can I Take A Baby Stroller Into Pnc Park


Is There A Size Limit For Baby Strollers That Can Be Brought Into Pnc Park?


Yes, there is a size limit for baby strollers that can be brought into pnc park. The stroller must be able to fit under the seat without obstructing the aisle or causing any inconvenience to other fans. Larger strollers may be checked at the gate and returned to the owner after the game.

Are There Specific Areas In Pnc Park Where Strollers Are Not Allowed?


Yes, there are specific areas in pnc park where strollers are not allowed. Strollers are not allowed in the seating bowl or in any aisle where they may obstruct foot traffic. However, strollers can be stored underneath seats or in designated stroller parking areas.

Can I Bring A Wagon Or A Pushcart Instead Of A Stroller?


It depends on the venue or location you are visiting. Some places may allow wagons or pushcarts while others may not. It is best to check with the venue beforehand to see what their policies are regarding the use of wagons or pushcarts.

Are There Any Restrictions On The Type Of Stroller That Can Be Brought Into Pnc Park?


Yes, there are restrictions on the type of stroller that can be brought into pnc park. Strollers must be collapsible and fit under the seat. Umbrella strollers are recommended. Large, double-wide strollers are not allowed.

Do I Need To Bring Any Additional Accessories Or Equipment In Order To Enter Pnc Park With A Stroller?


You do not need to bring any additional accessories or equipment in order to enter pnc park with a stroller. However, strollers are subject to inspection upon entry.