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Stair blocker for baby

Stairs can be really risky for little ones who are just starting to walk. When babies are learning to walk or crawl, parents often put up baby gates on the stairs to keep them safe. If you don’t have a baby gate, 16 other things in your home can be Stair blockers for the baby.

15 Stair Blockers for baby

  1. Furniture Barrier.
  2. Cardboard Boxes.
  3. Large Cushions or Pillows.
  4. Foam Tiles.
  5. Slip-Resistant Mats.
  6. Bean Bags.
  7. Barricade with Chairs.
  8. Baby Play Yard.
  9. Tall Plants in Planters.
  10. Rope or Ribbon Barrier.
  11. DIY Fabric Barrier.
  12. Storage Bins or Crates.
  13. Pool Noodles.
  14. DIY Net Barrier.
  15. Adjustable Tension Rods.

If you want to know how to use all this, you can let me know by commenting. I will write more about this in the next post.